Message from Principal

Welcome to Shree Champa Devi English Boarding School (CDS).
Whether you visit us online or in person, we hope you will get a sense of what Champa Devi is and the mission that drives us. We are a progressive teaching community that works to educate the whole person and transform individuals and hopefully, ultimately Nepal.
Since it’s start in 2014 (B.S.2071) we have worked on learning by doing, to provide a good experience in and out of the classroom, in order to nurture critical thinkers. Our approach is interdisciplinary, experimental and collaborative. Our students are encouraged not only to explore the world of knowledge but also their own behaviour. Hopefully, they then grow up to be concerned citizens, who care about making a difference in the world.
As a school with a tradition of academic excellence, we work to create an environment that fosters reason, respect and responsibility in young minds. Our team of teachers is professional, fully trained and highly motivated.
Although there are issues in Nepal and possibly will be for many years to come, we are very optimistic about our country’s future, because it is the future that we are building at Champa Devi School.
We invite you to learn more about Champa Devi School and the Champa Devi Foundation, that works together to create a dynamic learning environment for children, teachers and parents in Okhaldhunga.
Thank you,
Krishna Raj Paudyal